# Written by Ori Adam Mar.21.2017
# Edited by Alison Ming Jul.4.2017
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
from scipy import integrate
from functions import *
[docs]def find_nearest(array, value):
''' Find the index of the item in the array nearest to the value
array: array
value: value be found
int: index of value in array
array = np.asarray(array)
idx = (np.abs(array - value)).argmin()
return idx
#Converted to python by Paul Staten Jul.29.2017
[docs]def TropD_Calculate_MaxLat(F,lat,n=int(6)):
''' Find latitude of absolute maximum value for a given interval
F: 1D array
lat: equally spaced latitude array
n (int): rank of moment used to calculate the position of max value. n = 1,2,4,6,8,...
float: location of max value of F along lat
assert(isinstance(n, int))
except AssertionError:
print('TropD_Calculate_MaxLat: ERROR: the smoothing parameter n must be an integer')
except AssertionError:
print('TropD_Calculate_MaxLat: ERROR: the smoothing parameter n must be >= 1')
except AssertionError:
print('TropD_Calculate_MaxLat: ERROR: input field F has NaN values')
F = F - np.min(F)
F = F / np.max(F)
Ymax = np.trapz((F**n)*lat, lat) / np.trapz(F ** n, lat)
return Ymax
[docs]def TropD_Calculate_Mon2Season(Fm, season=np.arange(12), m=0):
''' Calculate seasonal means from monthly time series
Fm: array of dimensions (time, latitude, level) or (time, level) or (time, latitude)
season: array of months e.g., [-1,0,1] for DJF
m (int): index of first of January
ndarray: the annual time series of the seasonal means
assert(np.max(season)<12 and np.min(season)>=0)
except AssertionError:
print('season can only include indices from 1 to 12')
End_Index = np.shape(Fm)[0]-m+1 - np.mod(np.shape(Fm)[0]-m+1,12)
Fm = Fm[m:End_Index,...]
F = Fm[m + season[0]::12,...]
if len(season) > 1:
for s in season[1:]:
F = F + Fm[m + s::12,...]
F = F/len(season)
return F
[docs]def TropD_Calculate_StreamFunction(V, lat, lev):
''' Calculate streamfunction by integrating meridional wind from top of the atmosphere to surface
V: array of zonal-mean meridional wind with dimensions (lat, lev)
lat: equally spaced latitude array
lev: vertical level array in hPa
ndarray: the streamfunction psi(lat,lev)
EarthRadius = 6371220.0
EarthGrav = 9.80616
B = np.ones(np.shape(V))
# B = 0 for subsurface data
psi = np.zeros(np.shape(V))
COS = np.repeat(np.cos(lat*np.pi/180), len(lev), axis=0).reshape(len(lat),len(lev))
psi = (EarthRadius/EarthGrav) * 2 * np.pi \
* sp.integrate.cumtrapz(B * V * COS, lev*100, axis=1, initial=0)
return psi
[docs]def TropD_Calculate_TropopauseHeight(T ,P, Z=None):
''' Calculate the Tropopause Height in isobaric coordinates
Based on the method described in Birner (2010), according to the WMO definition: first level at which the lapse rate <= 2K/km and for which the lapse rate <= 2K/km in all levels at least 2km above the found level
T: Temperature array of dimensions (latitude, levels) on (longitude, latitude, levels)
P: pressure levels in hPa
Z (optional): geopotential height [m] or any field with the same dimensions as T
ndarray or tuple:
If Z = None, returns Pt(lat) or Pt(lon,lat), the tropopause level in hPa
If Z is given, returns Pt and Ht with shape (lat) or (lon,lat). The field Z evaluated at the tropopause. For Z=geopotential height, Ht is the tropopause altitude in m
Rd = 287.04
Cpd = 1005.7
g = 9.80616
k = Rd/Cpd
PI = (np.linspace(1000,1,1000)*100)**k
Factor = g/Cpd * 1000
if len(np.shape(T)) == 2:
T = np.expand_dims(T, axis=0)
Z = np.expand_dims(Z, axis=0)
# make P monotonically decreasing
if P[-1] > P[0]:
P = np.flip(P,0)
T = np.flip(T,2)
if Z.any():
Z = np.flip(Z,2)
Pk = np.tile((P*100)**k, (np.shape(T)[0], np.shape(T)[1], 1))
Pk2 = (Pk[:,:,:-1] + Pk[:,:,1:])/2
T2 = (T[:,:,:-1] + T[:,:,1:])/2
Pk1 = np.squeeze(Pk2[0,0,:])
Gamma = (T[:,:,1:] - T[:,:,:-1])/(Pk[:,:,1:] - Pk[:,:,:-1]) *\
Pk2 / T2 * Factor
Gamma = np.reshape(Gamma, (np.shape(Gamma)[0]*np.shape(Gamma)[1], np.shape(Gamma)[2]))
T2 = np.reshape(T2, (np.shape(Gamma)[0], np.shape(Gamma)[1]))
Pt = np.zeros((np.shape(T)[0]*np.shape(T)[1], 1))
for j in range(np.shape(Gamma)[0]):
G_f = sp.interpolate.interp1d(Pk1, Gamma[j,:], kind='linear', fill_value='extrapolate')
G1 = G_f(PI)
T2_f = sp.interpolate.interp1d(Pk1,T2[j,:], kind='linear', fill_value='extrapolate')
T1 = T2_f(PI)
idx = np.squeeze(np.where((G1 <=2) & (PI < (550*100)**k) & (PI > (75*100)**k)))
Pidx = PI[idx]
if np.size(Pidx):
for c in range(len(Pidx)):
dpk_2km = -2000 * k * g / Rd / T1[c] * Pidx[c]
idx2 = find_nearest(Pidx[c:], Pidx[c] + dpk_2km)
if sum(G1[idx[c]:idx[c]+idx2+1] <= 2)-1 == idx2:
Pt[j] = np.nan
Pt = Pt ** (1 / k) / 100
if Z.any():
Zt = np.reshape(Z, (np.shape(Z)[0]*np.shape(Z)[1], np.shape(Z)[2]))
Ht = np.zeros((np.shape(T)[0]*np.shape(T)[1]))
for j in range(np.shape(Ht)[0]):
f = sp.interpolate.interp1d(P, Zt[j,:])
Ht[j] = f(Pt[j])
Ht = np.reshape(Ht, (np.shape(T)[0], np.shape(T)[1]))
Pt = np.reshape(Pt, (np.shape(T)[0], np.shape(T)[1]))
return Pt, Ht
Pt = np.reshape(Pt, (np.shape(T)[0], np.shape(T)[1]))
return Pt
#Converted to python by Paul Staten Jul.29.2017
[docs]def TropD_Calculate_ZeroCrossing(F, lat, lat_uncertainty=0.0):
''' Find the first (with increasing index) zero crossing of the function F
F: array
lat: latitude array (same length as F)
lat_uncertainty (float, optional): The minimal distance allowed between adjacent zero crossings of indetical sign change for example, for lat_uncertainty = 10, if the most equatorward zero crossing is from positive to negative, the function will return a NaN value if an additional zero crossings from positive to negative is found within 10 degrees of that zero crossing.
float: latitude of zero crossing by linear interpolation
# Make sure a zero crossing exists
a = np.where(F > 0)[0]
if len(a) == len(F) or not any(a):
return np.nan
# Find first zero crossing in index units.
D = np.diff(np.sign(F))
# If more than one zero crossing exists in proximity to the first zero crossing.
a = np.where(np.abs(D)>0)[0]
if len(a)>2 and np.abs(lat[a[2]] - lat[a[0]]) < lat_uncertainty:
return np.nan
a1 = np.argmax(np.abs(D) > 0)
# if there is an exact zero, use its latitude...
if np.abs(D[a1])==1:
ZC = lat[a1]
ZC = lat[a1] - F[a1]*(lat[a1+1]-lat[a1])/(F[a1+1]-F[a1])
return ZC